
Baccarat Hong Kong Cruise Betting Methods and Final Strategy

By on 2023년 October 17일 0 842 Views

If you have used baccarat system betting to some extent, you have probably heard of Baccarat Hong Kong Cruise at least once.

The Hong Kong cruise is a system betting method that became famous after being used by a conglomerate Chinese in Las Vegas.

However, there are many people who do not know how to use the Hong Kong cruise, so I will tell you the method and final strategy today.

Briefly about the Hong Kong cruise, it is most suitable for the bettor’s propensity among baccarat system betting. Above all, if you study system betting, it is a system betting method that you must pick up and go over.

Then, let’s get to the main topic and talk about Hong Kong cruises.

1. Baccarat Hong Kong Cruise Method

Baccarat Hong Kong Cruise Ticket

Briefly summarized, it is as follows.

  • Assume a bet on Player (2 odds) in Baccarat, a casino odd-even game.
  • It is a system betting in which you need to win 2 in a row to see profit.
  • Betting amount in case of loss = This is the amount set for a profit of 70,000 won to 90,000 won in case of two consecutive wins.
  • Bet amount in case of win = 2x the amount of the original bet in the first round.
  • Loss amount = Ο times Loss amount in case of simple loss = Ο times Loss amount is the same when losing the second bet after 1 win.
  • Proceed as directed by the arrow.
  • If you win 2 times in a row, you will go back to the first time (1st time). (56 losses if not won up to 7 times)

Here, if you want to increase the amount of profit when you win 2 times in a row, you can change the betting starting amount (3) in case of loss. (The amount in case of winning is automatically changed)

2. Odds of winning Hong Kong cruise

Hong Kong cruises have a 50% chance of winning

As shown in the image above, the final gain probability of Hong Kong Cruise’s 2 consecutive wins will converge to 50%.

The reason we only show up to the 7th episode is that you can see the match sufficiently with a 50% convergence probability up to the 7th episode. More details will be explained below.

3. Hong Kong cruise strategy

If you search for Hong Kong cruise strategy laws, most of them use simple tables and use them as they are, but there is no place to disclose actual strategies.

Therefore, we will tell you the most recommended Hong Kong cruise strategy in Baccarat School.

System betting up to 30 times, but Hong Kong cruise system betting, which finally converges with a 50% chance of winning when focusing on the amount of money, is the most efficient system betting up to 7 times.

Therefore, assuming that you have familiarized yourself with the Hong Kong cruise tickets, I will tell you the strategies you must follow.

  • The total number of gains does not exceed 5.
  • The capital starts with 60, which is higher than the total loss amount of 56 up to the 7th inning.
  • If you fail until the 7th inning, stop betting that day and start again tomorrow.
  • If possible, choose a table where the banker’s 7 or more line ride came out. (options)

If you want additional cruise variations, we recommend that you make sure to familiarize yourself with the basic strategy before transforming it into a strategy that suits you.

In addition, if you are curious about other system betting strategies, you can check out the

Baccarat System Betting Law List

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4. baccarat hong kong cruise without sanctions

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