Baccarat terms, slang 100% All you need to know is this.

By on 2020년 August 19일 0 754 Views

First of all, baccarat terminology is one of the things you should know if you play baccarat.

In addition, although it is not an official term, I will tell you a slang that many users use.

There are many terms and slang online, but in fact, there are many terms that are good to know but are unnecessary in practice.

So, this article will tell you exactly what you need to know.

baccarat terms

1. Baccarat terms you need to know

  • Player: Refers to a person who bets, but in the game, the betting line equivalent to double
  • Banker: Refers to a betting company, but in the game, it is a betting line equivalent to 1.95 times
  • Tie: When the sum of 3 or 2 cards of the player and banker is the same, that is, a draw betting line
  • Shuffle: This means that all 52 cards are used and the cards are shuffled.
  • Maximum Bet / Minimum Bet: Based on the amount that can be bet on the game table

Baccarat Ayu

2. Baccarat slang you need to know

  • Riding the line (rope): refers to the result of consecutive burning by the banker or player

3. Terms & slang that you don’t need to know, but it’s good to know

  • Commission: A certain fee (there is a percentage) taken by the casino company when the bettor hits the banker
  • Dealer: The casino employee who runs the game (also known as the croupier )
  • Deck: Total number of 52 game cards
  • Natural: When the sum of the two cards is 8 or 9
  • Baccarat: When the sum of 3 cards is 0
  • Saengba: Abbreviation of baccarat, a life full-time baccarat



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